Build For Business Hackathon with Unclebigbay

Build For Business Hackathon with Unclebigbay

Finally, I participated in my first Hackathon ever!!! Boy was it worth it!!!

The project I embarked on was a simple yet complicated one. The hackathon made me have a personal contact with the stakeholder and be able to try and get her needs and desires for her business.

It was a bit of back forth process. I had to go meet her at her Office in the East to discuss the proposal, which she loved so much and anticipated.

We looked at several designs and needs that her business needs. The entire design was tailored to meet that need.

An online presence is an important thing every business needs in this age and time. It was awesome working with Iheke Mable (CEO of Loveable and Unique Clothing) as she made the process easier and enjoyable.

She loved the outcome so much, and her feedback was heartwarming.

Here's a live link to the project

Thank you so much for the opportunity Unclebigbay and Shamsbridge for sponsoring this.